Fall 2024 Crown List
Greetings unto the Glorious Populace of Atenveldt,In just over a month Their Royal Majesties will hold their Crown Tournament giving a chance for those worthy to step forward for the honor of ruling our mighty kingdom. After gathering the names of those with the...
How to Train Your Viking III
“The Barony of Atenveldt wishes to invite all of our families to enjoy the warmth of the day as we learn the traditions of the Norse People. Join us on a quest of Viking proportions! There will be classes and games to conquer the senses. There will be mighty...Boarder Wars is approaching!!
Pre-registration for Border Wars is now open! Pre-register today by filling out the google form. You will receive an invoice on paypal to complete the pre-registration. Camping:Pre-register by March 07, 2023, for a $10 discount for Adults and a $5 discount...
Baronial Champions
Greetings unto the populace of the Kingdom of Atenveldt! It is with great pleasure we announce the Barony of Atenveldt Champions Tournament to be held on October 29th at Hollis Park!
All are welcome to compete in our champion battles however if you intend to claim the title of
champion, we ask that you send in a letter of intent to Baron and Baroness, Nikolaus and Valdis before October 29th. Your letters can be sent to coronet@baronyofatenveldt.org for their review.
Hard Suit Fighting will be run by Lady Thora Gyldir at Hollis Park on 10/29 in the morning.
Rapier Fighting will be run by Lord Armand Grandier at Hollis Park on 10/29 in the morning.
Bardic Competition will be run by Lady Donwenna Dwn at Hollis Park on 10/29 in the afternoon.
A and S Competition will be run by Mistress Caoilfhionn at Hollis Park on 10/29 in the afternoon.
Archery Competition will be run by Lady Orianna Æthulwulf at El Oso Park, Phoenix on 11/6 at 9am.
Garb is highly recommended.
Throwing Weapons Competition will be run by Uilliam O’Dubhagain. More details TBD.
All people competing for champion should:
-Declare their intent to claim the champions title by sending in a letter of intent to Baron and Baroness,
Nikolaus and Valdis before October 29th. Your letters can be sent to coronet@baronyofatenveldt.org for
their review.
– Be prepared to help plan, organize, and host the next Baronial Champions event
– Enjoy the grand show that is Court and have a desire to make it more fun for everyone.
– It is highly suggested champions be a paid member of the Society, but this is not required.
All the Barony of Atenveldt Champions are expected to:
– Stand court at Baronial events (such as the Spring Event, Anniversary, or Yule), as well as end-of-the-month baronial courts. If the champion is attending an event where the Baron and Baroness are in attendance, be prepared to stand with them during court.
– Boldly and often wear the colors and regalia of the position, attend Their Excellencies whenever
possible, and meet challenges as needed.
– Promote the activity for which they are champion (archery, bardic, hard suit, rapier, thrown weapons) within the Barony of Atenveldt by encouraging and inspiring those interested to participate in competitions, classes, and other events.
– Enter at least one tournament outside of the borders of the Barony as the representative of the Barony of Atenveldt . This may be at the Kingdom or Baronial level.
– Assist with any tournaments Their Excellencies wish to have at a Wednesday night fighter practice or at events (examples include the Novice Tournament or a quarterly tournament).
Site Information:
Hollis Park Dorsey Ln. and Malibu Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282. Site fee will be $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers. Site opens at 9AM. Staking the ground is not allowed. Bottled water will be available for all but in limited supply. Stone Privies are on site. A light repast of soup and bread will be provided by their excellencies. A permit has been purchased so this is a wet site.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the autocrat of the event at armandgrandier777@gmail.com

Border Wars Update!!!
Greetings to the fair populace of Atenveldt!
The drums of war bang louder as February approaches and the Baronies of Sundragon, Atenveldt, and Twin Moons prepare to meet on the field of battle.
But for a field to be battled on, we must first clear it of rubbish!
The Border Wars workdays are upon us! There are two currently scheduled. Grab some gloves and help us set the stage for war!
All the details can be found here:
January 9th, 2022 at 9am – https://fb.me/e/1p8XSnwUq
January 15th, 2022 at 9 am – https://fb.me/e/27m9W5XzC
Questions can be directed to the Council of Stewards at stewards@borderwars.atenveldt.org