meet the coronets
Ra’id & Morgaine
Greetings from Bey Ra’id Ibn Al Za’rur and Baroness Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd, your Baron and Baroness of Atenveldt! It is our honor to lead this vibrant community of history enthusiasts here in Central Phoenix.
As Baron and Baroness, we serve as the Crown’s representatives within our Barony. Together, we preside over courts, recognize the incredible talents of our members, and uphold the traditions that make the SCA such a rewarding experience.
Ra’id brings a wealth of knowledge in the arts, sciences, combat, and service, reflecting his diverse persona as a Crusader who embraced Middle Eastern culture. Morgaine, with her deep roots in heraldry, service, and community-building, carries the wisdom of decades in the SCA, inspired by her Irish and Welsh personas.
Meet Ra’id, Morgaine, and the Barony of Atenveldt — where history comes alive! Together with our court and champions, we celebrate the Middle Ages and beyond, blending creativity, camaraderie, and tradition. Join us and discover the vibrant spirit of Atenveldt!
See their preferences & contact info
See their Court
See their Champions

Lovers of the macabre
Both love gothic and witchy stuff!
Veggies only for Ra'id!
No meat or byproducts including gelatin
Baking restrictions for Morgaine!
She’s allergic to tree nuts!
What are Ra'id's preferences?
Ra’id favorite drinks and snacks are Dr. pepper, water, grapes, mozzerella cheese sticks, Hot Cheetos, and white chocolate peanut butter cups. He does not care for yams or sweet potatoes. Eggs are okay, but he cannot consume meat.
Does Ra'id have allergy restrictions?
Yes, Ra’id is vegetarian. He is allergic to meat, and meat products including gelatin. He also has a sun sensativity and cannot handle marijuana smoke.
What are Morgaine's preferences?
Morgaine’s favorite drinks are Iced/hot tea, coffee (with sugar and French vanilla creamer), non-diet sodas, and occasional alcohol (small doses). Her favorite snacks are breads, cheeses, crackers, peanuts, grapes, berries, pretzels, chocolate and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She does not care for eggs, tofu, ham or chicken.
Morgaine is sensative to heat and prone to migraines from the sun. She likes to be kept hydrated and shaded!
Does Morgaine have any allergy restrictions?
Yes, Morgaine is allergic to tree nuts. She also cannot have artificial sweeteners.
Have a question for Their Excellencies? Use the contact form or send a direct email to
Barony of Atenveldt
Court of Ra’id & Morgaine

Thegn Valdis Skarpa
Head Lady in Waiting

Lady Verity Fynamore

Sir Rhys ap Trahearn
Co-captain of the Guard

H.E. Blaise Makkynnay
Co-captain of the Guard

Baroness Edine Fairfield
Privy Secretary & Deputy Largess Coordinator

Lady Orsula Gelso
Wardrobe Coordinator

Lord Mathys Überer
Chamberlain to the Baroness

Lady Auelyn Spyle Syngere
Largess Coordinator

Mistress Tvoislava Michelovna
Deputy Wardrobe Coordinator

Lord Argouanagos of Scythia
Steward for the Baron

Lady Rachel Flora MacDonald
Stewardess for the Baroness

Master Gavin MacLaren
Steward for the Camp

Lord Bríán Hróbjartsson
Steward for the Camp

Lady Cay Dance the storie-makere
Steward for the Table

Master Kedivor Tal mab Cadwgan
Herald and Protocol Droid
barony of atenveldt
Champions of Ra’id & Morgaine

Armiger Skadi Addaeson
Arts & Sciences Champion

Hsiao Shan-Hsiao chu
Archery Champion

Lord Elia de Jacopo
Bardic Champion

Lord Matthew Jorgensen
Armored Combat Champion

Lord Ionatan Loughran
Rapier Champion

Thrown Weapons Champion

Youth Armored Combat Champion

Youth Archery Champion
What is a baronial champion?
A Baronial Champion is a distinguished member of our community chosen by the Baron and Baroness through competitions to represent the Barony in specific arts, sciences, or martial pursuits. Champions serve as role models, engage in friendly competitions, and contribute their skills and knowledge to inspire others. They proudly represent the Barony at events and help build its traditions through service, creativity, and excellence.
Explore the duties and responsibilities of our champions, as well as view a list of past champions.
What does it mean to be the Coronets?
The Baron and Baroness are the ceremonial leaders of a Barony, serving as representatives of the Crown and stewards of their local community. They guide the populace, foster camaraderie, and celebrate achievements through events, courts, and awards. As pillars of inspiration, they encourage creativity, chivalry, and service, shaping the Barony’s unique culture.
Explore the list of past Coronets of the Barony of Atenveldt.