Greetings unto the populace of the Barony of Atenveldt!
Fighter practice is moving its location starting on November 3rd, 2021!
Yes, it is true, after looking at different parks and exploring our options with the City of Phoenix Parks department, we will be moving fighter practice to Amp Island at Encanto.
As some of you may be aware, since the City reopened parks, the Barony has been applying to get Encanto Park on a regular basis. Unfortunately we can only get the park if no other sports league or youth group wants it on Wednesday nights. We are able to get the occasional individual night, but nothing on a regular schedule.
Baroness Valdis and I consulted with the baronial knight marshal and rapier marshal and looked at different parks to see if anything was better than what we had at Moon Valley Park. While other parks do have better lighting, we have not had any luck securing those parks on a regular basis for fighter practice. The general consensus is that Amp Island has better ambient lighting than Moon Valley Park, and is centrally located which works better for many members of the populace. Plus the bathroom near Amp Island were the best public restrooms we have seen at any of the city parks. When we are able to get Encanto for a night, Amp Island is just across the street from Encanto Park.
So, starting on Wednesday, November 3rd, the Wednesday night fighter practices will take place at Amp Island, from 7pm to 10pm. We will also have a melee practice night at Encanto Park on November 17th (look for more information on melee night soon).
See you all at Amp Island in November!
Baron Nikolaus