Baronial Offices

Officer List

Baronial officers are dedicated volunteers who help manage and enrich the Barony of Atenveldt by organizing activities, supporting members, and ensuring the smooth operation of our community.

Rachel Flora MacDonald

Emergency Deputy Seneschal

Galen of Kildromy

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Beartlaoi mac Mathghamhna

Warrant Ends 7/1/2024

Kedivor Tal mab Cadwgan

Warrant Ends 12/31/2025


Alice of Clan Richardson

Warrant Ends 12/31/2025

Minister of Arts & Sciences

Genevieve de Lironcourt


Hsiao Shan-Hsiao

Warrant Expires 8/31/2025

(Acting) Social Media

Skadi Addaeson


Rosa Duvanova doch' Sychevna


Soenaid Inghean Ui Mordha "Fireball"

Bríán Hróbjartsson

Barony of Atenveldt Populace Badge

List Minister

Orsula Gelso

Orianna Æthulwulf

Waiver Secretary

Dalla of the Misty Forest

Warrant Ends 08/31/2025

Deputy Waiver Secretary

Finely of Atenveldt

Knight Marshal

Viktor Iosif Syl'vestrov

Warrant Ends 1/31/2025

Deputy Knight Marshal

Richard Oakshield

Warrant Ends 1/31/2025

Deputy Knight Marshal

Mitsuhide Shinjiro

Rapier Marshal

Valdis Skarpa

Warrent Expires 12/8/2026

Rapier Marshal

Ionatan Loughran

Warrent Expires 12/8/2026

Target Archery Marshal

Jean Andre Boeye

Warrant Expires 8/31/2025

Thrown Weapons Marshal

Jean Andre Boeye


About Becoming a Baronial Officer

How do I apply for an officer role in the Barony?

Start by speaking with the Baronial Seneschal and the Coronets to discuss the requirements and expectations of the position. They’ll guide you on what’s needed and the length of the role.

What if the position I’m interested in is already filled?

Reach out to the current officer and ask if they need a deputy. Assisting as a deputy is a great way to learn and bring your new ideas to the role.

What is a warrant, and is it required to become an officer?

A warrant is an agreement outlining your duties as an officer. While usually required, the Barony allows trial runs without a warrant so you can see if the role is a good fit for you.

Can I help with officer roles without committing fully?

Yes! Many roles welcome deputies or volunteers to assist with tasks. This is a great way to support the Barony without taking on the full responsibility of the role immediately.

Ask a different question

For additional questions or to start your journey as an officer, contact the Baronial Seneschal below or reach out to a current officer above for guidance!

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