August 24, 2024 A&S Class: Award Scroll Class

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Arts & Sciences

Greetings Shire of Burning Sands!
We will be having an Arts and Science class on the making of scrolls to be given as awards by Their Royal Majesties throughout the Kingdom! Teaching this class will be a special guest from 9am-4pm, August 24, 2024, Saturday at the Main Yuma County Library All are welcome to join for this free gathering! Bring any caligraphy or illumination inks and tools you may have (brushes, paints, etc.), otherwise some modest supplies will be availble for learning. Please direct any questions to Let’s make a good showing in respect for our guest coming in from out of town!


-Sir Eugene Haraldson

Seneschal, Shire of Burning Sands