Melee Scenario – 10AM
Friday will be focused on small unit tactics on contained battlefields. Think gates and bridges. There will be no archery or thrown weapons on Friday. All fighters bring at least one weapon of 6’ or under as I am planning at least some 6’ and under battles. One scenario we will do for sure is Highlands Soccer. Teams form up on opposite sides of the field. The objective is to get the sacred object across the field and across the opposing end-zone or into their goal (depending on size of field).
Quick and the dead Tourney
This will follow the days melees. Combat archery only. Beginners welcome.
Note: depending on interest, this time can also be used for CA authorization and CA Marshall training/tutoring.
Origami – 4PM
By Chang Maille
A walk among the stars! – 7:30PM
Join the Navigator as he guides you through the night sky, seeing the patterns as they appeared to people past and present.
Bring a chair, cloak or blanket.
by Chad Davies
We encourage anyone that is financially warranted to sign up for a shift at Gate. It would be much appreciated!
Town cryer
Become a town cryer for the event!
Thrown weapons
Open range
Target archery
Open range