.Greetings to the glorious populace of Granite Mountain, the seventh wonder of Atenveldt!
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our first in-person Populace Night of 2021! As Granite Mountain will be hosting the Kingdom’s Day in the Park event in July, we will not be holding a Populace Night on the 4th Thursday this month. Instead come to Thumb Butte Group Picnic Area on July 17, 2021 to spend time with our chosen family. For event details, and to RESERVE YOUR SPOT, check out this article posted by the Kingdom.
Attention Attendants! We will plan to hold our first Baronial Court of 2021 at Populace Night on Thursday, August 26, 2021, @ 7pm (YEI, 8594 Eastridge Dr, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314.) At this court will welcome new attendants onto the Granite Court. All populace, experienced and new, are welcome to serve as ladies, guards, and attendants; gender does not dictate the way you can serve. If you are interested in becoming an attendant, please send an email to our Head Lady in Waiting, Lady Rós inghean Uí Ghallchobhair, at: welcome@baronyofgranitemountain.org
As the Atenveldt reopening plan is rolling out, please keep an eye on the BGM Populace calendar featured on our website. Information about Baronial activities such as archery, rapier fighting, armored combat, scriptorium, newcomer, and project nights will be posted on the calendar as they are approved by the Kingdom.
Brian II & Lia Winterbourne