Discover the art of heraldry at Herald’s Point during War of the Phoenix! Whether you’re designing your first device, registering a name, or crafting a unique badge, our experienced heralds are here to help. Dive into the creative process, learn the rules of SCA heraldry, and bring your ideas to life. Don’t miss this chance to seek in-person help from heralds!—visit Herald’s Point and let us help you shine!
Master Raffaelle de Mallorca will coordinating and running the point.
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From previous years.. “We’d love to see our heralds there! Whether you’d been at this for years or are a relative newcomer to book heraldry, this is a great place to watch, learn and practice your consultation techniques. It’s a great place to meet your fellow heralds and ask for (and give!) advice and pointers in making your tasks easier, too.
“..If you wish to bring book resources (Reaney and Wilson, Withycombe, Black, the Pictorial Dictionary, and other popular resources), please feel free to do so. Most important, though – MARK YOUR BOOKS! We want to make sure that they see their way home safely! If you have a computer, feel free to bring that along. We’ll have the means to get it online.”