Fiber Village with Lady Kattra

Fiber Village with Lady Kattra

The demos will include cleaning, carding and spinning natural fibers. There will be lots of drying and long pauses involved.
Introduction to Cheesemaking

Introduction to Cheesemaking

We will go over basic and advanced supplies, books, and other resources for Cheesemaking. 18+ yrs, No Limit, $0 Fee Lord Floki the Ginger
Consultations at Herald’s Pointe

Consultations at Herald’s Pointe

Greetings, War of the Phoenix attendees!  We will have a heraldic consultation tent at War, located conveniently on Merchants’ Row to help those who want to submit names or armory (devices or badges).  The consultation tent will be open Thursday,...
The Lucet Cord

The Lucet Cord

Learn the old Norse technique for creating a braided cord using a lucet. The class will include information on historical findings of lucets and lucet cords 18+ yrs, Limit of 10, $0 Fee Lady Musa-Sunnifa