Become a part of the Rabid Hamster Army!

For those who missed the Warlord Tourney and missed the chance to hear the tale of how the Rabid Hamster Army came into existence, below is a written account of the story.

And for your service, you, yes you! will be gifted a token of the army; your very own ‘Mistress Thyri’s Rabid Hamster Army’ button. Every recruit who serves 2 hours with the War of the Phoenix volunteer army will receive a button.

In the peaceful land of the first, or is it the second barony? I can’t remember, and I can’t get a straight answer when I ask…anyway. Hailing from the only slightly cooler lands of the South lived a Mistress and her Lord Master…that’s not right…lived a Mistress and her non-dominating, no ownership implied husband who just happened to be a Master.

Now this Gentle-ish Great Lady had served her barony and kingdom for many, many, many (counting on fingers)…for a really long time. So when a call went out to the farthest reaches of our kingdom, carried by the South Wind, for individuals to step forward and give of themselves for the betterment of all, everyone who knew her knew she would answer the call. Now at first she denied her interest, saying that she had other responsibilities and that someone else might be able to do more.

But as the time approached for the kingdom to make a decision on who should lead this mighty endeavor, this noble lady began to feel her blood pump and her hand began to feel oddly light. And like a Rabid Hamster, this little idea grew to be a mighty nuisance. As time passed, this Rabid Hamster of an idea grew too large to ignore. But the grand lady knew she would need help if she were to succeed. After all, we all need a little help from our friends.

Considering how to proceed, an idea struck. The lady knew that many hands make light work, so just imagine what she could do with an army. So she started to recruit. First, she found people who could help her lead this army. Then she appointed lieutenants. With this A-team assembled, including the mighty Mistress ‘T’, the lady knew the time had come to build the main force of her army. But how to do it?

Being the fair-minded leader that she was, she knew that recruits would deserve some sort of token to honor their service, but what to give? The tremendous lady took time to reflect, consider, ruminate, meditate, and generally think on her options when the lightening of inspiration struck.

Like the idea that was a Rabid Hamster gnawing on her mind, she too was just as tenacious. She too was just as unassuming. She too was just as little and could be easily underestimated. And just like a little hamster, she too looked all cute and cuddly…until something or someone got in the way of the prosperity of the kingdom. At that time, the gentle-ish lady also becomes like a Rabid Hamster. Thus the Rabid Hamster Army was born…and you too can join the Rabid Hamster Army.

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