Officer Ads

Deputy Herald

Deputy Herald

The deputy herald helps the Prisma Herald. Heralds serve as the voices of the Coronets, report and track the court business, including awards, research, teach about, and help individuals understand and create period appropriate persona names and arms, and ensure...

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Deputy Exchequer

Deputy Exchequer

This position assists the Exchequer who is the financial administrator for the Barony. They are responsible for helping with the tracking and reporting spending and income. They are also ensure monies are taken at the door of baronial events.

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Deputy Social Media Officer

Deputy Social Media Officer

The Barony of Sun Dragon is in need of a Social Media Officer. Click on this link to learn more and to submit a letter of intent.

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Youth Combat Marshal

Youth Combat Marshal

The Barony of Sun Dragon is in need of a Youth Combat Marshal. Click on this link to learn more and to submit a letter of intent.

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Waiver Officer

Waiver Officer

The Barony of Sun Dragon is in need of a Waiver Officer. Click on this link to learn more and to submit a letter of intent.

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Prism Herald

Prism Herald

The Barony of Sun Dragon is in need of a Prism Herald. Click on this link to learn more and to submit a letter of intent.

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