Latest Past Events

Populace and Officers Meeting

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria

Sun Dragon populous are welcome to come to find out what is going on within the Barony and hear baronial business. Officers are encouraged to come to submit monthly reports. Agenda includes Old business, New business, Officer reports, Baron and Baroness business, and Financial report. We are proud to continue to offer the Populace and […]

Garb Sewing Day at Peoria Community Center

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria

The Barony of Sun Dragon is a proud and well-adorned Barony! And how do we get that way? By the toil and sweat of our sewing enthusiasts and fiber artists! With the successful first Garb Sewing Day, Their Excellencies Valdisa and Wolff are excited to present unto the Populace another opportunity to gather and create […]

Barony of Sun Dragon Champions Court

Pioneer Community Park - Field #4 8755 N 83rd Ave, Peoria

Please join Their Excellencies, Baroness Valdisa and Baron Wolff, as they welcome the incoming champions and they invite people to join their court and guard. This will be on Field #3 which is located on the South East part of the park, the entrance is off of 79th Ave. Please bring your own chairs. Garb […]