SunDragon Court and Tournament Night

Pioneer Community Park - Field #4 8755 N 83rd Ave, Peoria, AZ, United States

Thursday, February 17th, 2022, Their Excellencies will be holding court. Also there will be a Hard Suit tournament. Style of tournament TBD. This will be held at Pioneer Park on Multipurpose Field #3, at 7:00 pm. SCA Rules: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of […]

Parasol Painting Class

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Lady Aurora would like to invite you to a Parasol Painting Class. We did a canvas parasol order during the time of the plague. If you are interested in decorating it, but have been putting it off or are nervous to start this is the class for you. She will bring paints and brushes and […]

Dragon Wing Set Up Assistance Needed

Valdisa and Wolff's Castle 3825 W. St. John Rd., Glendale, AZ

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! We, Valdisa and Wolff, of Sun Dragon again call upon our most gracious populace once again for their assistance. We have endeavored to beautify our illustrious Barony with the purchase of a new Dragon Wing pavilion that will serve us at events. However, some preparation is required prior to it's first […]

Barony of Sun Dragon Court Night and Rapier Tournament

Pioneer Community Park - Field #4 8755 N 83rd Ave, Peoria, AZ, United States

Please join Their Excellencies in attending Court on Thursday night prior to practice. Find out all the happenings around the kingdom, see what awards are given out, and spend time catching up with friends. SunDragon will be holding a Rapier Tournament. Bring all your gear. There will be different styles each round.

Archery Bunny Shoot

Archery Field - El Oso Park 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, United States

My Lords and Ladies, pay heed to my words. It is I, The Honorable Lordship Ulrich von Wolfsfeldt, Sun Dragon Archery Champion and I am most pleased to announce that after three long and dreary plague ridden years the return of the world famous, often imitated never duplicated Bunny Shoot has returned! For those of […]

Intro to Weaving, JUMBO Sized

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Join us February 28th for a tablet weaving demo, JUMBO sized. I'll go over reading patterns, warping and weaving and more but with a twist! (many twists) Those wanting to will have the opportunity to try their hands at any step of the weaving process. YIS, Lady Mattea Locatelli COVID Guidelines Although the SCA complies […]

Inter Kingdom Archery Competition

Archery Field - El Oso Park 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Reminder all who are interested please join me/us once again over at Sun Dragon/Atenveldt's practice for IKAC (Inter Kingdom Archery Competition) on Sunday, May 1st. It's happening at El Oso Range at 7am. Garb is encouraged.

Populace and Officers Meeting

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Sun Dragon populous are welcome to come to find out what is going on within the Barony and hear baronial business. Officers are encouraged to come to submit monthly reports. Agenda includes Old business, New business, Officer reports, Baron and Baroness business, and Financial report. We are proud to continue to offer the Populace and […]

Court and Mother’s Day Hard Suit Tournament

Pioneer Community Park - Field #4 8755 N 83rd Ave, Peoria, AZ, United States

Their Excellencies would like to invite all of their populace to join them for court and a Mother's Day Hard Suit Tournament at Pioneer Community Park. Garb is encouraged. Entrance for field is located on the South East side of the park with the entrance off of 79th Ave. You can get to 79th from […]

Your Size Dress Form

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Have you ever wanted to have a dress form that match your measurements perfectly? If so, bring a old t-shirt you don't mind ruining and a couple rolls of duct tape and we'll make you a dress form. Ladies, wear whatever support you normally wear in garb.

Simple Medieval Dress & How to Sew an Inset Gore

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

For those wanting a simple and easy to make dress, come join me and I’ll teach you. We’ll make you a pattern and I’ll explain how to construct it, including how to sew an inset gore on a sewing machine. YIS, Her Honorable Ladyship Mattea