Measurements and Pattern Drafting

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Please join us for an evening a measurements and drafting. With Great Western closely approaching and many of attending, let’s start making some garb. Let’s get the measurements and pattern drafting out of the way for SunDragon’s sewing day on Saturday the 21st. Things that you may need to bring will be yourself, fabric measuring […]

Measurements and Pattern Drafting

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Please join us for an evening a measurements and drafting. With Great Western closely approaching and many of attending, let’s start making some garb. Let’s get the measurements and pattern drafting out of the way for SunDragon’s sewing day on Saturday the 21st. Things that you may need to bring will be yourself, fabric measuring […]

Belly Dance Costuming

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

In this class Lady Aurora, will talk to you about creating bras and belts for belly dancing. She will also be offering some FREE decorations for your new costuming! Things to bring: Bra (one that fits you well) Material to cover bra and belt Needle Thimble Thread She will also talk to you about, tips […]

Introduction to Medieval Embroidery

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Lady Mattea Locatelli will be teaching Introduction to Medieval Embroidery. Materials will be provided. Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the […]

Seam Embellishments

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Have you ever thought about how you can sew down your seams or facings, but make your garb also look fancier? Well, wonder no more! Lady Mattea Locatelli, will be teaching Seam Embellishments. Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot […]


Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Their Excellencies, Valdisa and Wolff of the most loved lands of Sun Dragon are in need of the help, once again, of their populace for a BIG. SECRET. PROJECT. If you are thusly intrigued, join us at the Arts and Sciences night on October 25, 2021 at 6:00 pm. We will give you a slight hint. It requires a […]

Melee Practice and Current Court and Guard Release

Pioneer Community Park - Field #4 8755 N 83rd Ave, Peoria, AZ, United States

This Thursday, October 28, 2021, will be a Melee practice and is our official first day of the Seven Days of Baronial Champions. There will be a court at this practice where Their Excellencies will release their current Court and Guard. The Prisma Court will be acting as Court and Guard until November 4th. Please […]

Thrown Weapons Champion Tournament

Thrown Weapons 6932 Stockman Rd, Glendale, AZ, United States

Please join us for the Sun Dragon Thrown Weapons Champion Tournament. M’Lord Thorvald and M’Lady Blake (Youth) to host a Knives and Axes contest. Bring your own chair. Garb is encouraged. Photo of axes of Kolfina the Quiet, taken by the same. Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the […]

Archery Champions Tournament

Archery Field - El Oso Park 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Lord Philippe and M’lady Kara (Youth) to host an All Hallows Eve themed archery tourney. Archery field is on the East side of the park. Garb or costume encouraged. Lord Flip would also like to invite you to wear a costume for a costume contest. Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try […]

Arts and Sciences Champion Competition

Peoria Community Center 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ, United States

Lady Aurora is challenging the Sun Dragon Barony to "Bring Out Your Best" for your Arts and Science project.. Any category accepted. You can complete the 2 page Novice documentation worksheet - fillable or bring your own documentation that answers these questions: When was your project item historically used? Where was this item historically used? […]