Aye, so the Burning Ship Tourney, was mighty successful and much booty was won. Our win-arrrr was Master Simon with most kills and most gold. Shiver me timbers! Photos by Katie Marciano.
Avast! Their Excellencies remind us that next Thursday, local Sun Dragon fighter practice is cancelled in lieu of joining Twin Moons fighter practice. Their fighter practice is at Gene Autry Park from 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM. 7001 E Williams Field Rd, Mesa, AZ 85212
Last Thursday of the month, October 28th, 2021 will be melee practice at 8:00 pm at our regular practice area. Their Excellencies will also be releasing the current court and guard at this practice.
All fighter practices will now start at 8:00pm through December due to availability of the field.
Upcoming Events:
- Barony of Atenveldt Investiture: October 16-17
- Coronation: October 23-24, 2021
- Sun Dragon 7 Days of Champions: October 28th – November 4th, 2021