Above photo taken by Miastreas Dona Deborah Inis Glas.
*** CHAMPIONS 2021 ***
Beloved Barony,
First and foremost, we want to thank each and everyone of you for one of the best Champions we have attended in quite some time. Thank you for all of your patience getting to this point in the plague, and thank you for participating in a unique event. We were nearly ready to give up on Champions, but Lord Edward and Lady Elizabeth persevered and pushed hard to ensure we not only had a Champions but that it was also one of the best in the last few years. For us, it was more than we could have asked for and full of Stardust.
We want to acknowledge every individual that declared. For some, declaring is as easy as sipping a glass of water. For others, it’s as difficult as finding water in a desert alone. Whether it was easy or difficult, thank you for stepping forward and volunteering. Each of you are baronial leaders in your own right.
Congratulations to the following individuals:
Style Champions:
• Chatelaine – Lady Mattea Locatelli
• Overall Champion – Sir Neo the Pict
• Armored Combat Champion – Lord Grigor Montgomery
• Rapier Champion – Captain Eirik Ising Steingrim
• Bardic Champion – Dama Nastas’ia Volkovicha
• A&S – THL Moira O’Droogan
• Archery Champion – Lord Ulrich von Wolfsfeldt
• Thrown Weapons Champion – THL Gregoire le Gris
Court and Guard:
• Lady Aurora Faw
• Lord Cullen Ellis
• Lord Duncan Reddfern
• Lord Edward Harrison
• Lady Elizabeth Reddfern
• Lady Ermesinde de Champaigne
• Thegn Geofroi le Gris
• Lord Jakob inn Rami
• Lord Kakujo Jaku’an
• Lady Octavia Marie
• Lord Philippe de Daupine
• Lord Rainulf Lion
• M’lord Saulf
• M’lady Varju Dorothea
• Lord Victor ingvar Von Strobahlrotbart
• Lord Fergus Mac Innes
• THL Iana of Whiteclif
• Lady Iseult Inghean ui Threasaigh
• Dame Jacquelin de Normandie
• Master Michael of Worcester
• Master Raven Mayne
• Master Robert de Zwijger van Limburg
• Mistress Tvoilsava Michelovana
• Mistress Deborah Inis Glas
• Master Diego de Marulanda al Nadil
• M’lady Isadora
• Lord Grigor Montgomery
• M’lord Ference
• M’lord Ben
• M’lord William
We also want to acknowledge a couple of furies that were given:
• M’lord Thorvold was given a blue fury his hard work and dedication to the Thrown Weapons Arts.
• Lord Wolffgang von Luxemburg for his hard work and dedication to the Thrown Weapons Arts.
Finally, thank you to our scribes, for your unending dedication to ensuring those in our barony understand the love and appreciation we have for them. We most whole heartedly apologize for not being able to give credit to those artists during Champions. To atone, we are asking any recipients that received scrolls during Champions to please respond with a picture of your scroll so we can acknowledge their great art (If you have not already done so).
Please see video of Court below. Note that these are 3 videos combined of opening court, a presentation, and closing court. Video complied by Aurora Faw, Barony of SunDragon SMO.