Hear ye! Hear ye! Please see these important words from Their Excellencies.
ALL Fighter Practices on Thursdays for Sun Dragon in December are cancelled. Sun Dragon is encouraged to invade Atenveldt on December 1 and Twin Moons on December 16.
ALL Arts and Sciences meeting on Mondays for Sun Dragon are cancelled.
NO Populace and Officer’s Meeting for December.
Scribes may be held in private homes. Please look for upcoming announcments.
Archery and Thrown Weapons will still be held as normal unless otherwise notified. Archery Christamas Tournament and gift exchange will be on December 19. NO archery on Sunday, December 26.
There will be a Garb Sewing Day at the Peoria Community Center on Decemeber 4, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. See Event info here for more information.
Their Excellencies invite you to come to Their Solstice Celebration on December 9, at Pioneer Park from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Please see the Event info here for more information.