Oyez, oyez, great populace of SunDragon, check out what is going on in our wonderful barony, come out and join the fun!
Populace and Officer Meeting:
Please come to the meeting and find out what is going on in the Barony. Officers are encouraged to attend and submit reports.
- Day: Usually the first Monday of the Month moved due to holiday
- Date: Sept 11th
- Time: 6:00 pm
- Location: Peoria Community Center – 8335 W Jefferson St, Peoria, AZ 85345
Google meet login: https://meet.google.com/ige-ouqe-wzm
Fighter Practice: TBD
Fighter practice is on Thursday nights at Cheyenne Elementary School
- Days: Thursdays Thursday Sept 7th Is canceled
- Times: 7:00-10:00 pm
- Location: TBD
Court Night:
Day: 2nd Thursday of the month or to be determined by their excellencies
- Date: TBD
- Time: 7:00 pm
- Location: TBD
Baron Duncan’s Wednesday Melee:
- Day: 1st Wednesday of the month
- Date: Sept 6th
- Time: 7:30*10:00 pm
- Location: Encanto Sports Complex, 2121 N 15th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85007, USA
A&S class this month: So, you want to be a Lord/Lady in Waiting?
- Day: Wednesday
- Date: Sept 13th
- Time: 6:00pm
- Location: 6209 W Desert Hills Dr, Glendale, AZ 85304
Archery Practice:
Archery is on its summer hours. It is on the back side of the park, off of 73rd Ave. Parking on the street.
- Days: Sundays
- Times: 7:00am – 9:00 am
- Location: El Oso Park – 3451 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85033
Scribes is being held on Tuesdays every week. We rotate going to different people’s houses. Addresses available via messenger or on the Baronial Calendar.
- Times: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
- Sept 5th – Lady Aurora’s Abode
- Sept 12th – Lady Moire’s Moor (Meg)
- Sept 19th – Master Gregoire’s Fortress
- Sept 26nd – Her Ladyship Isabelle’s Maison
Please join us for an evening of knife and ax throwing! Please watch the Book of Faces for changes.
- Days: Every Sunday
- Times: 1:00 pm
- Location: Master Jean Andre Boeye House 3333 W. Rancho Dr. 85017
Other important dates:
Please note: The Baronial Calendar is a fantastic resource to reference in order to stay up to date on any activities or changes. The Baronial Calendar is located here: https://www.atenveldt.org/sundragon/news/
- September 23rd -24th – Crown Tournament – BES
- September 30th BSD Champions : Duke Mark’s Tonopah Site of Border Wars I
- October 14th – Kingdon A&S
- October 19th – 22nd -Melee Camp – BMMT/BTY
- October 28th – BSD 40th Anniversary