The Barony of SunDragon has new emails! All of our emails are now, office name @baronyofsundragon.org. All old email addresses will still be routed to the new email. Please see the list of the new emails and list of officers with the Barony.
Please consider volunteering for a role in the Barony. The critical position we need filled right now is the Chronicler.
Officer | Names | |
Baroness and Baron | Elizabeth and Duncan Redfern | coronets@baronyofsundragon.org |
Seneschal (policy/legal) | Mattea Locatelli | seneschal@baronyofsundragon.org |
Deputy Seneschal | Juliana Carlyle | deputyseneschal@baronyofsundragon.org |
Emergency Deputy Seneschal | Tvoislava Michelovna | edseneschal@baronyofsundragon.org |
Exchequer (financial) | Fionnghuala Coili | exchequer@baronyofsundragon.org |
Deputy Exchequer | Nastas’ia Volkovicha | deputyexchequer@baronyofsundragon.org |
Archery Captain | Philippe de Dauphine | archery@baronyofsundragon.org |
Archery Lieutenant | Ciaran Colquhoun | archery@baronyofsundragon.org |
Knight Marshal | Grigor Montgomery | marshal@baronyofsundragon.org |
Deputy Marshal | Finnan Fannach | deputymarshal@baronyofsundragon.org |
Rapier Marshal | Elizabeth Schumacher | rapier@baronyofsundragon.org |
Webminister | OPEN | webmin@baronyofsundragon.org |
Social Media Officer | Cealleach Colquhoun | socialmedia@baronyofsundragon.org |
Social Media (Deputy) | OPEN | deputysocialmedia@baronyofsundragon.org |
Chronicler | OPEN | chronicler@baronyofsundragon.org |
Minister of Arts and Sciences | Aurora Faw | moas@baronyofsundragon.org |
Prisma Herald | Gefroi le Gris | herald@baronyofsundragon.org |
Deputy Herald | Michael Kiel of Kilkenny | herald@baronyofsundragon.org |
Sheriff | Malachi of Ravenglass | sheriff@baronyofsundragon.org |
Signet (scrolls/scribal) | Gregoire le Gris | signet@baronyofsundragon.org |
Deputy Signet | Marion Bradford of Yorkshire | signet@baronyofsundragon.org |
Waiver Officer | OPEN | waiver@baronyofsundragon.org |
Youth Minister | Kandace Van de Libel | youth@baronyofsundragon.org |
List Minister | Iana of Whiteclif | marshal@baronyofsundragon.org |