On Tuesday nights from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm the Barony of Sun Dragon holds an open session for all the populace of Sun Dragon or any barony to chat, ask questions, do art (or not) from the coziness of your own home. We want to continue to make this a community where we show we care about one another and have the opportunity for a weekly check-in.
Zoom may not be your favorite way of communicating, but it does give us some chance of still meeting while we eagerly await for in-person events with each other. There is no requirement for garb and you can bring a snack and a drink while you chat with us.
The Zoom meeting link is:
If the link is for some reason not working, you can use meeting codes:
Meeting ID: 865 8076 9106
Passcode: 355304
We look forward to seeing you on-line.
If you have any problems connecting, please contact our Baronial Social Media Officer, Lady Aurora Faw at sundragonsocialmedia@atenveldt.org.