
Meet the dedicated volunteers who run the barony!

Valdisa Álarsdóttir

Heralds Badge

Prisma Herald

Michael Kiel of Killenny


Knight Marshal

Neot the Pict

Minister of Arts & Sciences

Aurora Faw

Deputy Minister of Arts & Sciences

Fiona Wiggins

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Nastas'ia Volkovicha


Isadora Fae Lebeau


Gregoire le Gris

Gold Key (Chatelaine)

Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!


Tatár Ferenc

Interim Webmin

Deputy Seneschal

Liam Mac Coilin

Deputy Seneschal

Hanim Sarolta, Kontess Akilli-Alan

Emergency Deputy Seneschal

Tvoislava Michelovna

Social Media

Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!

Deputy Social Media

Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!

Youth Minister

Kandace Van de Libel

Malachi of Ravenglass


Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!

Heralds Badge

Deputy Herald

Jacquelin de Normandie

Herald in Charge of the SunDragon Order of Precedence

Heralds Badge

Deputy Herald

Isabelle Le Charpentier de Normandie

Book Herald for Registering Names and Devices

Deputy Marshal

Finnan Fannach

Archery Captain

Philippe de Dauphiné

Archery Lieutenant

Ciaran Colquhoun

Rapier Marshal

Elizabeth Schumacher

Deputy Rapier Marshal

Michael of Worcester

Thrown Weapons Captain

Jaku’an Kakujo

List Minister

Iana of Whiteclif

Waiver Secretary

Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!

Deputy Chancellor of the Exchequer

Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!

Deputy Gold Key (Chatelaine)

Position Open

Interested? Contact the Seneschal!

Calling all volunteers!

These officers are looking for deputies! Contact the Seneschal office or the Officer role directly.