Welcome to the Incipient Shire of Vallis Aeris

Welcome to the Safford, AZ chapter of the Kingdom of Atenveldt in the SCA! The Society for Creative Anachronism, is an international, non-profit, educational organization designed for all ages as a hands-on, learn-by-doing model to research and re-create a living history of European life prior to 1600.

As a shire we are a small representation of the SCA, but that doesn’t stop us from having a ton of fun and supporting each other’s dreams! So come join us and let’s rediscover the best parts of the Middle Ages together!

Master Tariq & Mistress Eleith
Master Tariq & Mistress Eleith

Newcomer Corner

Fighter practice & populace gathering is 7pm In Thatcher.

Come join the Shire and other Newcomer’s each week for armored & rapier combat practice, as well as discussions regarding the SCA, history, and everything in between! Check the calendar for exact dates and addresses.

Two fighters getting ready to duel in Rapier
Master Tariq & Mistress Eleith

Arts & Sciences

We do a wide variety of different Arts from making Armor, Leathwork, Sewing, the list is never ending. Some of the Science are things like Cheesemaking, Dying differant textiles, brewing, baking, making inks, etc.

Populace Gatherings & Meetings

On the first Monday of the month we have our office and populace meeting. All are welcome to attend. 

Armored and rapier combat

We do serveral type of combat activies like Armored Combat, and Rapier. Some groups do the above as well as Thrown Weapons and Archery. We meet every Thurday for practice all are welcome to attend!