Expectations – we know the pandemic has thrown us all for a loop. We hope that should there be events and travel you join us if you are comfortable and able. We hope that should there be court you stand for us. We look forward to whatever this reign may bring and do so with enthusiasm and the light of one hundred and one suns.
All Archery Champions!
Sunday, October 24: We will be holding our Archery Champions competitions on Sunday morning – Details forthcoming!
Sunday, October 24: Should there be willing and able combatants to vie for Thrown Weapons Champion we would welcome you to compete. To run in the same location and time as Archery Champion, details TBD.
A&S Champion!
Saturday, October 23: there will be a display to determine our A&S Champion. Yes, this format is new and different! Gone are the days of a sequestered room, gone are the days of a yearlong commitment, bring your best, bring your energy and bring your enthusiasm for the arts. This will be a champion for our Reign with the next heirs to determine their artisan parameters. Czypser and I both have a deep love for the arts, so we look forward to what you display. Going forward the A&S Champion will be tied to a reign. This is the start of something new, so please join us on an adventure!
Youth Art Champion!
Online, TBD: This will be different this year as well. All youth will be invited to participate in an online display of the arts using recycled or repurposed materials. Our youth officer is very excited to put this together for us and we hope to see parents and our Kingdom youth excited as well. Details are being worked on, so please be patient as we try something new. We wanted to be very cognizant that not all youth will be able to attend given the ongoing pandemic and hope this is something we can all enjoy.
Queen’s Hardsuit Champion
Saturday, October 23: Bring your best, all authorized fighters are invited to compete and win, however only an Atenveldter may become Champion.
King’s Cut and Thrust Champion
Saturday, October 23: Open to Authorized Cut and Thrust participants. Bring your best, only an Atenveldter may become Champion
Bardic Champion/Bard of the Sun
TBD – We will look at an early event in the reign to hold our Bard of the Sun, please stay tuned for an announcement!