
The Kingdom has a series of awards and orders designed to recognize those who participate in our realm, either through arts and sciences, through martial activities, through service, or by other means.

Chasing and repose demonstration by Sir Czypser

Make an award recommendation

Send a recommendation to our Crowns to recognize a deserving populace member.

Archery & Equestrian

Black Pheon

This award is given for skill in the use of the bow and arrow. The award has also on occasion been given for skill with the crossbow.

The Black Pheon has the first level of precedence for Kingdom archery awards, above an Award of Arms.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Azure Archers of Atenveldt*

This award is given for excellence in the teaching and of archery and skill with bow and arrow or crossbow.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.

Order of the White Stirrup

The White Stirrup is given to equestrians who serve the equestrian arts in the Kingdom.  Equestrian activities enhance the medieval pageantry at our events!  SCA pursuits include mounted combat, jousting with opponents with foam/wooden lances; and games such as jousting at rings, hitting the quintain, obstacle courses, and archery from horseback.

This award is given at three levels; the level is shown by the color of the ribbon with the award medallion. The three levels are:

First level – blue ribbon

Second level – white ribbon

Third level – gold ribbon (highest level)

The White Stirrup has the first level of precedence for Kingdom equestrian awards.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Black Chamfron*

This award is given for demonstrated excellence and skill on the Equestrian tournament field and in the Equestrian Arts.

These equestrians also distinguish themselves by showing leadership and honor on-and-off the equestrian tournament field; knowledge and practice of the courtly graces; consistent service to the Kingdom; and respect for the laws and customs of the Kingdom of Atenveldt.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award includes a Grant of Arms


The Kingdom of Atenveldt maintains a ranking system for archers and ‘Bowmaster’ is its highest rank.  When an archer achieves Bowmaster status in any archery style, their achievement is acknowledged with a scroll from the Crown.

Arts and Sciences

Flower of the Desert

The Flower of the Desert is given for demonstrated skill in the Arts and Sciences of the middle ages including all crafts, skills, and technologies used in the time period and cultures covered by the SCA.

This award has the first level of precedence for Kingdom arts awards.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Fluer de Soleil*

This award is given for demonstrated excellence in the teaching and practice of the Arts and Sciences of the Middle Ages.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.

Pilgrim of the Desert*

The Pilgrim of the Desert is given to people who promote historical authenticity in the recreation of the Current Middle Ages. It recognizes those who endeavor to create a high standard of authenticity in their dress, behavior, persona, and goods, in the feast hall, in their encampments, and on the field.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.


Beacon of the Desert

This award is the lowest level of precedence for service. The Beacon of the Desert is given to those persons who have given service to the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Service may take many forms including holding an officer position, field support, event stewarding, serving on a court, or any number of other tasks which make the Dream happen for everyone.

This award has the first level of precedence for Kingdom service awards.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Light of Atenveldt*

This award is given for outstanding service to the Kingdom. Outstanding service may defined in many ways and many include consideration of body of work, scale of the service, and/or amount of time spent serving.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.

Star of the Desert

This award is given specifically for tireless service helping with the running of Kingdom Wars.

The award can be given to anyone who has worked for the event, in Atenveldt or other kingdoms.

This award has three levels for adults, and two for youth:

  • Gules – 1st level
  • Azure – 2nd level
  • Argent – 3rd level
  • Vert – Youth under 13
  • Sable- Youth 13-17

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award may be presented to the same individual more than once, but only at a higher level than is currently held by the recipient.

Arms and Court Baronies

Award of Arms

This award is given for active/contributing membership in the Kingdom.

This is often the first award someone will receive and is recognized throughout the Society. An Award of Arms grants the recipient the right to display ‘arms’ in the SCA. This award also grants the right to use a title associated with being a member of the nobility (often called Lord or Lady).|

See the Full Charter and Info here

Court Barony*

The Crown can give the title of Court Baron or Court Baroness to people they feel have served the Kingdom or themselves above and beyond what was expected.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award is often given with a grant of arms.

Grant of Arms

A Grant of Arms may be given for any of a variety of reasons. Examples include long time service to the kingdom, specific works in a specialized niche, and any other thing the crown feels are worthy.
This award entitles individuals to be addressed as The Honorable Lordship/ladyship/Noble.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award is significant in itself, but is most often given alongside certain other Kingdom awards such as the commanders, Black Chamfron golden quills/needles/trumpets, and Court Baronies.

Augmentation of Arms

The Crown gives this award to specifically honor a person for service to the themselves above and beyond the call of duty. Each augmentation is a specific charge at the crowns discretion, often related the Crown’s own personal arms, which may be added to the recipients heraldic arms.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award is often very personal to the Crowns and generally not on people are recommended for.

Patent of Arms

This is the highest armigerous award in the SCA. It is only bestowed when a person is admitted to a peerage (including the Royal Peerage) or the Order of the Rose.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Armored Combat

Blood of Fenris

This award is given for demonstrated skill and enthusiasm in the art of Armored Combat.

The Blood of Fenris has the first level of precedence for Kingdom armored combat awards.

See the Full Charter and Info here

The Order of the Doppelhänder

Given to those persons who have demonstrated skill with two handed weapons in the armored fighting arts in both melee and one-on-one combat.

See the Full Charter here

Hawks Lure*

This award is given for demonstrated excellence in the fighting arts, both in teaching and in the use of traditional SCA style weaponry.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.

Guardians of Atenveldt

This award is given to both armored combat and rapier fighters for skill in war battles/melees and tactical knowledge as well as teaching of these skills and tactics. Recipients have demonstrated a special talent and excellence in the organization and practice of the arts of war, and the teaching of military tactics for SCA style warfare.

This award has three levels, including a commander, and the level is indicated based on the color of the ribbon or cord the award medallion is strung on.

Legionnaire –  first level, blue ribbon

Officer – second level, white ribbon

Commander – third level, gold ribbon (highest level)

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award may be presented to the same individual more than once, but only in a higher degree than is currently held by the recipient.

Atenveldt Siege Engineers*

This award is given for excellence in the art of siege combat including skill with siege weapons/siege combat and the building of siege weapons.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.

Rapier Combat (Fencing)

Golden Blade

This award is given for demonstrated skill and enthusiasm in the art of Rapier Combat.

The Golden Blade has the first level of precedence for Kingdom rapier awards.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Order of the Lynx*

The Lynx of Atenveldt is given to those who have excelled in teaching and in their exceptional artistry in the art of defense with the rapier.  Recipients have demonstrated good judgment, shown boldness, swiftness, and courage both on and off the field.  In addition they exhibit the virtues of Prudence, Audacity, Celerity, and Fortitude

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.


This award is given for extreme excellence in the art of defense with the rapier. The exceptional skills of recipients of this award are valued by their allies and feared by their foes upon the battlefield.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Guardians of Atenveldt

This award is given to both armored combat and rapier fighters for skill in war battles/melees and tactical knowledge as well as teaching of these skills and tactics. Recipients have demonstrated a special talent and excellence in the organization and practice of the arts of war, and the teaching of military tactics for SCA style warfare.

This award has three levels, including a commander, and the level is indicated based on the color of the ribbon or cord the award medallion is strung on.

Legionnaire –  first level, blue ribbon

Officer – second level, white ribbon

Commander – third level, gold ribbon (highest level)

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award may be presented to the same individual more than once, but only in a higher degree than is currently held by the recipient.

Art as Service

These awards are given to artisans for donating their artistic skills in order to serve their Kingdom; thus creating the ambiance for all.
Golden Needle

This award is given to those that have bridged the gap between creating and embellishing clothing for the love of creativity, and utilizing this skill in order to serve the Kingdom and its populace.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award comes with a Grant of Arms

Golden Quill

This award is given to those that have bridged the gap between creating calligraphy and illumination on scrolls for the love of creativity, and utilizing this skill in order to serve the Kingdom and its populace.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award comes with a Grant of Arms.

Golden Trumpet

This award is given to those that have bridged the gap between creating/preforming Bardic and Heraldic Art for the love of creativity, and utilizing this skill in order to serve the Kingdom and its populace.

See the Full Charter and Info here

*This award comes with a Grant of Arms


Lions Pride

This award is given to youth under 13 who demonstrate an understanding of life in the Current Middle Ages. Recipients know and use the appropriate courtesies consistently, and demonstrate to the best of their abilities and knowledge a willingness to serve, abilities in the arts and sciences, and/or an interest in the arts of war.

See the Full Charter and Info here

Hope of the Sun

This award is given to youth between 13 and 17 who demonstrate an understanding of life in the Current Middle Ages. Recipients know and use the appropriate courtesies consistently, demonstrate to the best of their abilities and knowledge a willingness to serve, abilities in the arts and sciences, and/or an interest in the arts of war.

This award may be given for multiple areas, indicated by the color of the ribbon or cord the award medallion is given on, and may be received by a youth once in each area:

  • Or (Yellow) – Service
  • Vert (Green) – Arts & Sciences
  • Gules (Red) – Arts of War

See the full Charter and Info here

Star of the Desert

This award is given specifically for tireless service helping with the running of the Estrella War. The award can be given to any child who has volunteered for the event, from Atenveldt or other kingdoms.

This award has two levels for youth based on their age:

  • Vert – Youth under 13
  • Sable- Youth 13-17

*This award may be presented to the same individual once at each level.

See the full Charter and Info here

Group Awards

Scarabs of Atenveldt

This award is given to those households or groups that help the Kingdom continue to grow, develop, and improve.

See the full Charter and Info here

Hearth and Horn

This award is given to those groups who add hospitality and merriment to our current middle ages.

See the full Charter and Info here

Espirit d'corps

This award is given to the best dressed and displayed Atenveldt war unit at the Estrella War. The group may be on any field of combat.

See the full Charter and Info here

*This award is specific to Estrella War attendees and can be received by the same fighting unit more than once.

Spear of the Sun

This award is given to fighting units or households who have demonstrated excellence in the art of war, both in teaching and in the use of traditional SCA style weaponry on the fields of combat.

See the full Charter and Info here

Additional Kingdom Awards

Queen’s Grace*

The Queen’s Grace is given to people whose conduct the Queen feels best exemplify the ideals of courtliness and gentility in the current Middle Ages.  This award is given by the Queen exclusively; some consider this award to be a very personal choice and do not desire recommendations, while other Queens welcome and encourage name recommendations for this award.

See the full Charter and Info here

*This award has a commander level.


The Commander of an award is given to one who continues to be an ideal model or example for that specific Order.

One may receive a commander once in each of the 8 qualifying Orders:

*Commanders come with a Grant of Arms.

Courier of Radiance

This award is given to those persons form ANY Kingdom who strive to further the Dream of the society and strengthen ties to the Known World through travel or by hosting guests in the spirit of beneficial commerce.

See the full Charter and Info here

Glory of Atenveldt*

These awards are given those individuals who show the continuation of the high standards of behavior expected of a Peer of Atenveldt.

This award may be received by an individual once in each category:

  • Royal
  • Chivalry
  • Laurel
  • Pelican
  • Masters of Defense

See the full Charter and Info here

*A person must already be a member of the associated Peerage Order to receive the Glory in that area.

Lion of Atenveldt

The King gives the Lion of Atenveldt to the person whose behavior, he feels, shows the highest ideals and values of the Current Middle Ages.  Another expression is the person who “embodies the SCA” in the mind of the King.  The award is given once per reign and is a very personal choice for the King.  The Lion is a long-standing tradition in Atenveldt and is highly cherished award.  It is given with a Grant of Arrms.

See the full Charter and Info here

Royal Menagerie

This award is given to pets/beasts who regularly attend events in the SCA.

If possible, Beast should dress in authentic costume.

See the full Charter and Info here

*Nominations must be made by someone other than the owner.

Kings Sigil

This is a personal award from the King to thank people for their service to him during his reign.  The King gives out a token that he designs for his version of this award.  Some artisan Kings also make their own tokens.  People can receive this award multiple times.

See the full Charter and Info here

Queen's Cypher

The award thanks people for their personal service to the Queen/Consort.  The Queen gives out a token bearing her initials that she designs personally. People can receive this award multiple times.

See the full Charter and Info here


Honors and Awards Specific to Roles

Some awards and titles can only be given if a person has served in a certain role within the Kingdom of Society. These cannot be recommended, but are awarded by the Crown where applicable.
Counts and Countesses
These are the past Kings and Queens of Atenveldt.  They are awarded titles after completing one reign. These titles include a Patent of Arms. Counts and Countesses addressed as “Your Excellency”.

More info can be found here

Dukes and Duchesses

These are the past Kings and Queens of Atenveldt.  They are awarded this title after completing two reigns. These titles include a Patent of Arms. Dukes and Duchesses are addressed as “Your Grace”.

More info can be found here

Thegns & Banthegn

The Order of Thegns and Bannthegns is given to people who have served as Territorial Baron or Baroness in the Kingdom of Atenveldt, once they have completed the duties and responsibilities of their tenure.  This award is unique to the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Individuals with this award are addressed as “Your Excellency”.

See the full Charter and Info here

White Oak

This is an honor given to individuals after they have served the Kingdom as Bard of the Sun.  The Bard of the Sun is a court position chosen through competition of performing arts. The winner is selected by the Crown each reign.

See the full Charter and Info here

*This award is often given with a Grant of Arms

Golden Sun of Atenveldt

This is an honor given to individuals after they have served the Kingdom as Kingdom of Atenveldt Arts and Sciences Champion.

The Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion is a court position held for one year and chosen through an annual competition.

See the full Charter and Info here

Peerage Orders

Peerages are the highest level of award given in the SCA, and the award and associated titles are recognized throughout the SCA.

A Peer must show qualities worthy of the title of Peer – such as courtesy and respect to others and passion for sharing their knowledge, and they play a significant role in our community.


The Order of Chivalry consists of the Knights and the Masters of Arms. Members are recognized for their great skill at arms in combat, as well as for qualities of courtesy and grace. Knights swear fealty to the Crown during the knighting ceremony. They are entitled to wear a white belt, and a gold chain as a symbol of their fealty. Knights are addressed as “Sir” (name), or for some female knights, “Dame” (name). Masters of Arms are equal in rank to knights. They may choose not to swear fealty, and wear a white baldric (diagonally from shoulder to hip). They are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name).

See the full charter and info here


Members of the Order of the Laurel are recognized for their great skill in the Arts or Sciences, for their willingness to teach others, and for using their abilities to benefit their kingdom. They are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name). Their insignia is a laurel wreath, usually colored green on a gold background.

See the full charter and info here


Members of the Order of the Pelican are recognized for great service to their kingdom or to the Society as a whole, usually for many years and without thought of reward. They are chosen by the Crown in consultation with the Order. They are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name). Their insignia is a “pelican in her piety,” a pelican piercing her breast to feed her young with her own blood.

See the full Charter and Info here

Master of Defense

Members of the Order of Defense are recognized for their great skill at rapier and/or cut-and-thrust combat, as well as for qualities of courtesy and grace, for their willingness to teach others, and for service to the kingdom. They are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name), and are entitled to wear a white livery collar and to bear the badge: Three rapiers in pall inverted tips crossed.

See the full Charter and Info here

Royal Peers

These are the past Kings and Queens of Atenveldt.  They are awarded titles after completing one or two reigns.  Those who have ruled once are Counts and Countesses, those who have ruled more than once are Dukes and Duchesses. These titles include a Patent of Arms so Dukes and Duchesses are addressed as “Your Grace” with Counts and Countesses addressed as “Your Excellency”.

See the full Charter and Info here

Honorary Titles and Positions

The King's Champions

Kings Armored Combat Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during an armored combat competition at Coronation’s second day. This position is traditionally held by a Knight or Master at Arms, but not always. This position is sometimes appointed by the Crown.


The warlord tournament is held the day after crown tournament and is open to all armored combat fighters belted and non belted.

King’s Cut & Thrust Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during a C&T tournament held during the reign.

The Queen's Champions

Queens Armored Combat Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during an armored combat competition at Coronation’s second day. This position is traditionally held by a squire or other fighter who is not a Knight or Master at Arms, but not always. This position is sometimes appointed by the Crown.

Queens Rapier Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during an rapier competition at Coronation’s second day. This position has been held by a variety of fighters from Mods, to Golde Blades.

Kingdom Archery Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during competition at Coronation’s second day.

Kingdom Crossbow Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during competition at Coronation’s second day.

Kingdom Thrown Weapons Champion

This title is usually earned once a reign during competition at Coronation’s second day.

Bard of the Sun

This title is usually earned once a reign during preforming arts competition at Coronation’s second day or later in the reign.

Traditionally, when a new Bard of the Sun is selected, the stepping down BotS is awarded a White Oak

Kingdom Arts & Sciences Champion

This title is usually earned once a year during an arts and sciences competition traditionally held during the Summer reign.

Traditionally, when a new A&S Champion is selected, the stepping down champion is awarded a Golden Sun.

Closed Orders

Some Orders have evolved over time and been closed, meaning the individuals can no longer receive these awards. These Orders include the Nut, the Fish, and the White Scarf.

Make an award recommendation

Send a recommendation to our Crowns to recognize a deserving populace member .

What is precedence?

Our Kingdom maintains a hierarchical list of its awards in the order of rank bestowed. It includes Society awards, awards received from any Kingdom, and armigerous awards from the local level.

HRM Morgan and his court hourglass