Kingdom Lands
Our Kingdom is divided into smaller groups called Baronies or Shires. Find a group in your area so you can easily join-in on local activities. You can also get in touch with the Chatelaine (Newcomer Officer) to guide you through the process.
Groups are run by a Baron and/or Baroness and their Officers. Colleges and shires are smaller groups that are led by a Seneschal.

Northern Groups
These groups comprise the northern part of our Kingdom to include Flagstaff, Yavapai County, and Kingman
Central Groups
The central groups mostly comprise the Phoenix Valley Metro Area
Southern Groups
The southern groups make up Tucson, Yuma and Cochise County
Barony of Mons Tonitrus
Comprising all of Cochise county with members in Sierra Vista, Hereford, Benson and St David