Media Relations
The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA) welcomes members of the press who wish to cover The Kingdom of Atenveldt.
Press tours may be scheduled upon approval from the Media Liaison. Members of the media will be escorted by the Media Liaison or a delegate. To schedule coming to an event, please contact
Commercial/Documentary video and film crews wishing to record activities at events of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.) must obtain permission of the Event Staff through the Regional Publicity Liaison (Media Officer) before setting up any filming equipment and beginning filming onsite. Crews who setup or film without permission will be asked to leave site without refund of any entry fees, and permission to use the material filmed at the event will be withdrawn.
Commercial/documentary video/film crews and commercial photographers wishing to record activities must:
- Seek permission to film from the Society for Creative Anachronism by sending a complete proposal as stated in 3. AND
- Adhere to the SCA Commercial/Documentary Filming Guidelines.
- Submit a Proposal with your request to film. Proposals must include:
- A description of your project
- The dates you would like to visit
- A proposed list of subjects you would like to shoot
- A description of the end use of the project (sale of dvd by website, sale of completed piece to a distributor, use in X publication etc.)
- A description of your target audience. (Viewers of local cable channel, readers of AARP magazine, etc)
- A professional CV listing your credentials or links to your organization’s website for verification of professional identity.
- Contact information
These requirements apply to all professional video/film crews and still photographers taking photographs for resale who wish to work independently and record activities for future commercial use. Crews who arrive at the event without prior permission, and those who setup or film without permission, will be asked to leave, and permission to use the material filmed at the event will be withheld.
To seek permission to film activities, contact the Society Media Relations Officer & The Kingdom of Atenveldt Media Relations Officer at