Every Single Person Needs to Fill this out!
Land allocation can be a tricky job. Making sure that each kingdom, barony, household and individuals have what they need for camping. Duke Morgan and Dutchess Elizabeth work very hard to make sure this happens for all of us. Please help them out (even if you haven’t pre-reg’d yet) and fill out this form for each person that is camping.
Information gathered in this form will be used for land allocation purposes only. Campers will receive land in the lowest allocation category selected (i.e., if Kingdom and Barony are selected, camper will receive land with their Barony. If Household is also selected, camper would receive land with their Household group). Household groups may or may not be placed near their main Baronial group, and Baronies may or may not be placed near their home Kingdom. Please complete this form for each camper in your group.