The villainous Sir Sable has continued his oppression of those seeking knowledge, and so The College of St Felix calls for aid in the form of papers, projects, and tests to fight this horrible foe. Join the battle against the villainous Sir Sable! tournaments, bardic and a silent auction for a worthy cause!
We are hosting a silent auction and requesting donations! Garb, crafting supplies, food, a private class, and weapons supplies are all greatly appreciated donations for our auction. This is a dry site, please no donations of alcohol. Help the College of St. Felix to help fill our barren coffers. BARDIC TOURNAMENT to delight all for the honor of Bard of the Cat. Rapier and Heavy tournaments will run throughout the course of the day. Fight for the honor to be the Rapier of the Cat Champion and Armored Champion of the Cat Arts and Sciences display themed around Sir Sable with the populace award being voted on with tokens provided at site with admission Largesse Derby, bring donations in sets of three
Cost: $5 members, $15 non-members Cash day of event. Setup is at 9 am, Court begins at 10 am or at TRM discretion.
Location: University of Arizona mall 1303 E University Drive, (south of Cactus Garden on the U of A mall). Parking is Available at 2nd street garage for $2/hr with the maximum of $16/day Time: April 5th, 2025 site opens for set up at 9 am and closes at 4 pm Bathrooms and food court available at the Student Union Bring your own chair No staking! Autocrat: Lady Lisette DuLac and Hug Von Spork. Contact Lady Lisette DuLac at stfelixchatelaine@atenveldt.org with any questions.