Document Library

Find the coordinating documents for each Officer positions.


Arts & Sciences Minister






DEIB Office








Social Media Office






Web Ministers


Youth Minister

Arts & Sciences Documents & Forms

Chatelaine Documents & Forms

SCA Demo PolicyFrom Appendix E of the Society Seneschal’s Handbook

Kingdom Chatelaine’s Quarterly ReportOnline form

Organizing SCA Recruitment Events – Preparations, Printables, and People (an article by Meisterinne Genoveva von Lübeck)

Society Chatelaine’s Resources

Regarding the Society Media PolicyHow it relates to the Seneschal’s/ Chatelaine's office; local group interaction with the media

On Being a HospitallerWhat are Hospitallers/ Chatelaines, and what do they do?

Suggestions for ChatelainsIdeas on how to attract and educate newcomers

Newcomers are NiceAdvice to established members on how to work with newcomers

Earl Marshal Documents & Forms

Armored Combat

Atenveldt Armored Combat Rules

Atenveldt Combat Authorization Form (Form Fillable)

Marshals’ Handbook (updated October 2023)

Siege Engine Handbook (updated October 2023)

Roster Warrant (Form Fillable)


Archery & Thrown Weapons


Adult Waiver – Consent to Participate and Release Liability

Roster-style Waiver for Adults – For use at event check-in and practices


Society Youth Martial Handbook (Armored Combat & Rapier Combat)

Youth Authorization Form (Form Fillable)

Social Media & Press Documents & Forms

About the Board of Directors: Fiction vs. Non-Fiction

Digital Scribes Program – photographs available for use in the SCA

Media Relations & External Publicity (Media Policy) – Guidelines for SCA officers’ interactions with modern media organizations

Commercial Film and Photography Rules

Event-specific Press Release – Contains sample data & suggestions. Fill in your particular event information