Office of the
The Earl Marshal is responsible for ensuring the safety of combatants, participants and spectators in all marshal activities within the Kingdom.

Incident Report Form
Reporting can help Marshals track items to help improve rule sets, marshal training and keep activities safe.This includes all marshal activities.

Cosmo Craven
Kingdom Earl Marshal
- He/him
- Warrant til 11/30/25

Mineko of Monster Hall
Kingdom Deputy Earl Marshal
- She/her
- Warrant til 1/06/2026

Nudd Mac Pherson
Kingdom Emergency Deputy Armored Combat Marshal
- He/him
- Warrant til 1/23/2025

Heinrich Loescher von Rostock
Kingdom Deputy Armored Combat Marshal
- He/him
- Warrant til 1/23/2026

Cathal Finn O'Briain
Kingdom Deputy Armored Combat Marshal
- He/him
- Warrant til 10/1/2026

Arianna della Luna
Kingdom Minister of the Lists and Marshallate Rolls
- She/her
- Warrant til 8/30/2025

Iana of Whiteclif
Kingdom Deputy Minister of the Lists and Marshallate Rolls
- She/her
- Warrant til 12/1/2025

Emma Knope
Kingdom Combat Archery Marshal
- She/her
- Warrant til 11/24/2025

Tiberius Nautius Josephus Africanus
Kingdom Deputy Combat Archery
- He/him
- Warrant til 01/6/2026
Want to be a combat archery Marshal?
This office is looking for an Officer and deputies! Contact the Kingdom Marshal.

Brendan Coradini
Kingdom Rapier Marshal
- He/him
- Warrant til 09/13/2025

Siraj Farhadzedah
Kingdom Deputy Rapier Marshal
- She/her
Want to be a rapier Marshal?
This office is looking for deputies! Contact the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.

Benedikt von Luzern
Kingdom Archery Marshal (Royal Archer)
- He/him

Roberto Raimondo de la Montana de Trieno
Kingdom Emergency Deputy Archery Marshal (Royal Archer)
- He/him
- Warrant til 7/23/26

Valarie Longbow
Kingdom Deputy Archery Marshal
- She/her
- Warrant til 1/15/2026
Want to be an archery Marshal?
This office is looking for deputies! Contact the Kingdom Royal Archer.

Jørunn Hàvardr
Kingdom Equestrian Marshal
- Pronouns – they/them
- Warrant Ends – 1/6/2026
Want to be an equestrian Marshal?
This office is looking for deputies! Contact the Kingdom Equestrian Marshal.
Earl Marshal Documents & Forms
Armored Combat
Atenveldt Armored Combat Rules
Atenveldt Combat Authorization Form (Form Fillable)
Marshals’ Handbook (updated October 2023)
Siege Engine Handbook (updated October 2023)
Roster Warrant (Form Fillable)
Equestrian Marshal’s Handbook (updated April 2020)
Equestrian Authorization Form (form fillable)
Archery & Thrown Weapons
SCA Target Archery Rules updated July 2020
Atenveldt Target Archery Rules updated April 2024
SCA Thrown Weapon Rules updated July 2020
Adult Waiver – Consent to Participate and Release Liability
Roster-style Waiver for Adults – For use at event check-in and practices
Society Youth Martial Handbook (Armored Combat & Rapier Combat)
Youth Authorization Form (Form Fillable)